Tuesday, January 24, 2012

The First Day!

This week was the first time we went to St. Mary's to interact with the students.  I had so much fun playing with them and seeing what some of their interests are.  It enabled me to take some mental notes on what I should incorporate when I have to plan activities for them.  At first we jumped right in with the TA's to help with the parachute games which was a lot of fun.  Then we broke up into different groups to see the school and try to connect with students.  It was interesting to see how well they responded to me.  I helped swing the jump rope in the gymnasium for a few students and I couldn't believe how well they were doing it at such a young age! I also was building some lego structures with some students in the pre-k room and played dinosaurs extinct with some other students in the cafeteria.  It is imperative to be fully prepared in any situation because you will never know if you have enough space for the students to participate in physical activity.  I cannot wait to go back next week and have something prepared instead of just observing!
Click here for lab one

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